How AI Is Impacting Healthcare

Diving headfirst into the vortex of modern medicine, it's virtually impossible to overlook the transformative role of artificial intelligence, or AI, in healthcare: a magnetic force reshaping the landscape of patient care, clinical decision-making, and medical research with a fearless intensity.

You may wonder, "How exactly?" Well, remember those long hours physicians spent deciphering radiological images? AI steps in, waving its algorithmic wand, and voila - early disease detection becomes remarkably swifter. Or those thick files of electronic health records? AI can go through them in under a second.

From our position as bespoke software developers, we've witnessed the constant change of technology, and we can tell you AI is truly something different. For starters, let's look at how it is influencing healthcare.


What is Healthcare AI?


Healthcare AI, or artificial intelligence in healthcare, is a transformative and dynamic field. Think of it as a brilliantly coded digital medical assistant, revolutionising patient care. The capabilities ascend beyond routine data analysis: AI systems are gradually delving into complex tasks such as medical imaging, genetic testing, and even tracking patient vitals in real-time.

For instance, future-forward techniques like genome sequencing—an offbeat concept a decade ago—are becoming commonplace, thanks to AI. Oh, and speaking about fresh information, did you know certain AI-powered systems can now even assist with mental health therapies? Well, you do now.

There's extensive research to back this up too. A 2020 study in the Journal of Translational Medicine highlighted how AI could reduce health risks by predicting potential hazards based on individual genetic information.


AI in Medical Research


As we've worked on several bespoke AI healthcare apps lately, we've observed remarkable advancements in medical research fuelled by artificial intelligence.

For example, several institutes in the UK now use AI in disease prediction by integrating it into genomics. AI algorithms unravel patterns in vast genomic data, significantly aiding in early disease detection, thus paving the way for personalised healthcare with AI.

AI is also significantly impacting the processes of clinical decision-making. Imagine an AI-assisted doctor who relies on AI algorithms for health prediction.

Based on data available from electronic health records, exhaustive hospital operations data, and even personalised health monitoring trends, AI can predict potential health risks and recommend preventive measures.

Humorously enough, the era where robots take over tedious data analysis in research may not be too far off, all thanks to AI in healthcare!


AI in Medical Imaging Analysis


Next stop - medical imaging. In the realm of radiology, there’s nothing simple, which means that it takes long years and a lot of work to form a specialist who can decipher the messages of a radiology report.

Today, we have AI software that can not only assist but sometimes outperform human clinicians. You heard that right, this time, the sci-fi movies got it correct! At CodePixi, we've glimpsed into the potential offered by these powerful algorithms. The sheer speed and accuracy with which they detect abnormalities leave us in awe!

However, let us debunk a crippling myth here: AI isn't intent on snatching away the white coats from our doctors. Instead, it is here to augment their abilities, free them from exhaustive tasks, and let them focus on what matters - patients.


AI in Patient Experience


Holistic patient care ought to be enhanced by technology, not diminished, right? Across the board, AI is driving the shift from reactive to proactive, personalised healthcare management.

Tech companies that have targeted health-based wearables, understanding their enormous potential, are witnesses to this transformation. Not a Silicon Valley trend, but a measure that's proving vital to monitoring health in real-time.

Patients can take health management into their own hands—literally—with AI-capable wearable devices. This health tech can recognise early signs of potential health issues and save lives by offering a chance for preventive care.

One prominent example is the Apple Watch, which now features an FDA-cleared ECG monitor. This sort of progress could be likened to giving superpowers to an everyday object!


AI in Telemedicine

AI has also proven itself a game-changer in telemedicine. For those of us residing in remote locations or otherwise unable to visit a physician, telemedicine offers a lifeline.

Through the lens of AI, telemedicine is elevated beyond mere consultations, with AI-driven diagnostics becoming increasingly reliable and routine. In fact, the pandemic put many of these AI telemedicine applications to the ultimate test, and the results were laudable.

While there are a surprising number of AI chatbots offering health advice, perhaps the best example of the endearing mix of AI and humour is Woebot. Developed by psychologists, this AI therapy chatbot employs cognitive-behavioural approaches and exceedingly witty jokes, revealing its developers actually have a superb sense of humour.


AI in Diagnosis and Treatment


Firstly, let’s delve into diagnosis. AI can identify patterns in mountains of health data much quicker than the human eye. These could be patterns relating to different diseases or symptoms and their progressions, missed by conventional methods.

For instance, using machine learning algorithms, AI can sift through millions of radiology images to highlight abnormalities.

The AI solution, Google's DeepMind has demonstrated the potential to detect eye diseases, thus enabling early-stage interventions leading to improved patient outcomes.

Stepping up from diagnosis to treatment, AI has a significant role. By sifting through patient-specific data like genetic information, lifestyle, and medical history, AI helps in providing personalised treatment plans.

The cutting-edge AI system Watson for Oncology by IBM is a sterling example. It collates patients' data with a vast range of clinical studies and medical literature to recommend treatment options to oncologists.

Let's toss in surgical techniques. Robotic surgical procedures, controlled by medical pros and guided by AI, can perform minimally invasive therapies with exceptional precision.

There’s also a spectacular application of AI in genomics, with algorithms already identifying individual patients' genetic predispositions to certain diseases, sculpting a new narrative in preventable healthcare.


Do You Want to Develop an AI Healthcare App?


At CodePixi, we've explored and experimented with a galore of these applications, leading to some rather futuristic innovations. From enabling AI in disease prediction to orchestrating personalised healthcare with AI, the potential appears endless and, dare we say, thrillingly enigmatic.

But harnessing AI's potential calls for careful crafting and customising these tools to meet individual needs—a bespoke approach, if you will. Our team of developers in the UK excels precisely in crafting custom-made AI applications in healthcare tailored to your unique needs.

If you have an AI healthcare app idea in mind, give us a call, and we can help you bring it to life.